Fully-Integrated Frequency-Hopping Manpack Transceiver









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Quarterly Reports




Funded by: NTRA

Funding: EGP 1.7M


Executive Summary

Manpack devices are one of the important modules that are used in different military situations. Frequency hopping has been the main modulation scheme that is used in such devices due to the benefits it provides for security purposes. The first Egyptian Frequency Hopping Manpack system was developed in our department in collaboration with the Egyptian military. The system was designed and assembled using commercial components on printed circuits boards. The prototype has been sampled, and field tested and is going through a first production phase. This prototype has a few drawbacks that need to be addressed for future generations. Size, weight, power consumption, frequency ranges and hopping rate are among these issues. In this proposal, we are planning to implement enhancements to this system in order to provide solutions for these issues that can serve as the core of the second generation Frequency Hopping Manpack System.

This project focuses only on the transceiver side and its implementation. New specifications include frequency range of 30MHz-500MHz and hopping rate of 300 hop/sec. In this project, a fully integrated transceiver is planned to improve the system from all aspects. Onchip integration reduces the size drastically and in case of mass production, cost per unit also reduces dramatically. On-chip techniques provide solutions for many problems and provide innovative techniques that are mostly not possible in the discrete-component implementation. In this proposal we are targeting a 10x reduction in cost for mass production, which is not possible in the first prototype since all components are off the shelf and their cost cannot be reduced unless they are combined together or integrated as is the case in this work.







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